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Family Dispute

Support for parents

A Place for grandparents

Hearing Children's Voices

Help for You

0405 459535



Mediation is less expensive, less time-consuming and less damaging than litigation. It leaves the control of the outcome with you and allows you to fashion your own solutions.

Child-Centred mediation focuses on the rights of children.  ISDR provides opportunities for the voice of children to be heard during the mediation process in every case.

Mediation enables the possibility for relationships to be repaired.


In 2020 ISDR began offering Parenting Coordination for parents who find themselves in enduring high conflict with the other parent.  Parenting Coordination is a form of medium term case management for families, which aims to provide assistance in making the adjustments necessary for the whole family to move on with their lives.


 We work with families  affected by separation and divorce to resolve  parenting and  property issues.  We also work with families where  discussions  about the care of aging parents need to occur. 

 ISDR values 

  • SAFETY of everyone in a family, 

  • PARTICIPATION across the family system including children, 

  • SELF DETERMINATION  in decisions about the future, and informed CHOICE.


 All our mediators are registered Family Dispute Resolution  

 Practitioners and are able to issue Section 60I certificates where  appropriate under the Family Law Act.

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The Institute of Dispute Resolution was founded in 2012.  Previously Jon Graham Consulting, the organisation has been at the leading edge of dispute resolution in Australia since 1999.

The ISDR team of mediators are skilled in both workplace and family conflict. 


The team is led by Jon Graham, a mediator since 1994, a clinical supervisor in mediation and family dispute resolution, and a trainer in mediation and family dispute resolution.  Jon combines a background in law and social science, to provide clinical expertise in the resolution of high conflict and complex cases.

In 2016 ISDR formed a partnership with the International Centre for Children and Family Law (ICCFL). It is through ICCFL, that the international reach of Jon Graham and Lorri Yasenik has expanded.


The Old School of Arts 

162 Liverpool Road Ashfield

In 2020 ISDR created a solid and useful online dispute resolution process for both Family Mediation and Parenting Coordination.  

This has included the expansion to child meetings for children and youth over 8 years. 

While in-room services are again available, all online services will continue to be offered.  No matter where you are situated we can to help. 

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